The drainage system for Haluoleo Kendari Airport uses cast iron manhole covers. What is the function of the airport manhole cover? Check out the discussion about the airport manhole covers function at Haluoleo Airport Kendari here.
Previously, Haluoleo Airport had the name Wolter Monginsidi Airport which was the national hero Robert Wolter Monginsidi. Then in 2010, the manager changed the name of this airport to the name of King Konawe, namely Halu Oleo.
Even though it has changed its name, the name Wolter Monginsidi Airport is still used for military aviation purposes. Meanwhile, the name Haluoleo Airport is used for commercial civil aviation purposes. The name change was based on the aspirations and demands of the people of Southeast Sulawesi to present a historical figure of Southeast Sulawesi (Halu Oleo) in naming vital facilities and infrastructure as a manifestation of the identity of the Southeast Sulawesi Province profile.
Changing the name of the airport also aims to spark determination and enthusiasm to develop airports in improving the service quality. Improved service quality includes smoother movement of goods and passengers, inter-island connectivity must be maintained, and airport operators always prioritize aviation security and safety aspects.
Haluoleo Kendari Airport Facilities
Haluoleo Kendari Airport is a class 1 domestic airport and is managed by UPT Ditjen Hubud of Indonesia. Airport facilities can be divided into airside and landside facilities. The airside facilities of Haluoleo Kendari Airport consist of a runway of 2500 m x 45 m, a taxiway of 75 m x 23 m, and an apron of 373 m x 113 m. With these facilities, Haluoleo Kendari Airport can accommodate 7 narrow-body aircraft.
Meanwhile, the landside facilities of Haluoleo Kendari Airport consist of: a terminal with an area of 20,000 square meters and a cargo of 1,000 square meters.
Haluoleo Airport Manhole Covers Function

Haluoleo Airport uses cast iron manhole covers to cover the drainage access holes. The airport drainage system is one of the aspects of aviation security and safety. The should be no puddles in the airport area because it can cause the aircraft wheels to slide. A well-integrated airport drainage system will drain rainwater quickly into the drainage channel so that it does not cause puddles.
Haluoleo Airport uses round-type manhole covers with a diameter of 60 cm. Then, the frame is 120×120 cm. They put the manhole covers in a row along the drainage channel with a distance of approximately 5-7 meters between the manhole covers.
The function of airport manhole covers is to cover the entrance when cleaning and maintaining drainage channels at the airport. This is necessary to keep the drainage channels functioning properly so that rainwater can flow quickly and do not cause puddles in the airport area.
The manhole cover for the Haluoleo Airport has a cover design with holes. These holes serve as an entrance for rainwater so that it does not stagnate in the airport area.
So, manhole covers at the Haluoleo Airport have two functions. First, as a cover for the entrance hole in the drainage channel. Second, as a way for rainwater to enter the drainage channel because the lid has holes.
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