What are the facts about Palembang LRT in South Sumatra, Indonesia? The following is the discussion.
Light Rapid Transit is a passenger train mode of transportation that is lightly constructed and operates in urban areas. It is called light because the LRT can only carry a smaller number of passengers than the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and the Electric Rail Train.
The existence of the South Sumatra LRT has a positive impact, namely reducing congestion, increasing the city’s prestige, increasing regional income, and increasing land value. Thus it can improve the economy and make the city of Palembang more livable.
The construction of the South Sumatra LRT is an anticipatory and preventive measure to accompany the progress of the Palembang city. The very rapid development of course must be balanced with adequate infrastructure services so that there are no losses.
Facts About Palembang LRT, Indonesia

1. First in Indonesia
The South Sumatra LRT is the first light rail mode in Indonesia. The government built LRT as a means of transportation for people of Palembang and its surroundings, as well as to support the mobility of athletes and spectators for the 2018 Asian Games.
Initially, the South Sumatra Provincial Government wanted to build a monorail, but they considered it ineffective and inefficient, so they changed their choice to LRT.
2. Three Years Construction
The government started building the Palembang LRT in October 2015 and finished in July 2018. Then they did the LRT trial in March 2018, before the LRT was fully operational for the Asian Games in August 2018. The work on the Palembang LRT has been completed in the stages and has not experienced significant obstacles.
3. Length: 24 km
The South Sumatra LRT has a length of 24 km from Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin International Airport to the OPI Mall area. The South Sumatra LRT line has 13 stations and 1 depot.
4. IDR 10.9 Trillion
The construction of the South Sumatra LRT requires funds of IDR 10.9 trillion. This fund comes entirely from the state budget. Why from the state budget? First, because the basic rules regarding the acceleration of implementing the LRT are presidential regulations, and presidential regulations are basically for the use of the state budget. Second, as a form of central government support for the 2018 Asian Games.
5. Passing Ampera Bridge
They built the railroad across the Musi River and parallel to the Ampera Bridge. So when you take this LRT, you can enjoy the view of the Musi River and the Ampera Bridge, which is the icon of Palembang city.
6. IDR 5,000
Palembang LRT ticket prices are IDR 5,000 for short distances and IDR 10,000 for long distances. Ticket pricing is determined based on discussions with the local government. The government through the Ministry of Transportation has also subsidized the LRT tariff. The government is striving for this LRT ticket price to be lower than other public transportation modes that route the LRT. The goal is that people want to use LRT as a means of transportation in their daily activities.
7. 64 Puddles
After the work was completed, there were puddles on this LRT line. One of the causes of puddles is that Palembang is a low area dominated by swamps. There are 64 puddles that must be overcome by making manholes.
To overcome the puddles along the LRT line, the government and contractors added manholes near the box culvert. Manholes function to filter out garbage that enters when there is a flood or puddle. In addition, it also makes it easier to maintain the drainage system for collecting garbage when it has accumulated. They made manholes in the sidewalk area with a distance of 5 meters between the manholes.
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