The majority of cast iron products are designed for outdoor use. This is because characteristic of cast iron is strong and durable, making it ideal for outdoor use. Outdoor placement, on the other hand, comes with its own set of risks. What are the risks? Following are some examples:
- Weather
- Higher load (overload)
- Prone to thievery
- Human-caused destruction

The presence of cast iron products in the outdoor areas, such as manhole covers, garden benches, garden lamp posts, and street lamp posts, causes these items to be directly affected by the weather.
Water and air, in general, can cause cast iron to rust and eventually break. The same thing happens when the iron is exposed to rain. This is due to the fact that rainwater typically contains acid, a substance that causes iron to rust and corrode.
We can use a layer of special anti-rust paint for iron to prevent iron from rusting, breaking, or being damaged as a result of this natural factor. In addition, make certain that the iron is not frequently flooded.
Higher Load (Overload)

One of the risks that we often ignore is that cast iron items placed outside the room must sometimes withstand loads that exceed their capacity or are heavier than those in the room.
A manhole cover, for example, should not only be designed to withstand the weight of pedestrians but must also withstand the weight of motorized vehicles passing through the pedestrian path/sidewalk. As a result, it is critical to consider product specifications so that they are not easily damaged as a result of overload.
Prone to theft

Although it may appear strange, cases of theft of goods placed outside the room, particularly goods for public facilities, are common. Cast iron products are not resistant to this risk. Components of garden lamps or manhole covers, for example, are frequently targeted, particularly in locations with no CCTV cameras. This is due in part to the characteristic of cast iron, which has a high selling price in any form.
Theft of these items, or even just their components, would be disastrous. Beginning with material losses and the dangers they entail. Consider what would happen if the manhole cover was stolen. The drainage canals’ holes will open, putting drivers on the road in danger. Of course, we don’t want this to be a possibility.
Some things we can do to prevent this are to install locks on cast iron items that are left outside. Planting garden chairs on the ground or asphalt, for example. At the very least, this will make moving the garden chair more difficult to steal. We can also install CCTV around the installation site. This is done not only to prevent theft but also to ensure that every crime that occurred near the installation location is documented for evidence to be reported to the police.
Destruction by humans

The term vandalism may be associated with irresponsible people drawing on the walls or fences of someone’s home. Yes, this is still a problem in our environment that has not been fully resolved. Many common acts of vandalism are done for amusement or to gain approval from peers. Of course, this is extremely unfortunate given the potential for a significant loss, particularly if public facilities are damaged.
Similar to theft, this destruction not only allows for material losses but also puts others in danger. We can prevent this by installing CCTV and posting written warnings around the area.
All of the risks mentioned above highlight the importance of routine maintenance of cast iron products located in the outdoor areas. Schedule regular maintenance on these items to maintain the level of security and beauty. Furthermore, with proper care, the goods will perform optimally and have a long service life.
Employ people who are experts in their fields to perform routine checks. The costs of maintenance can certainly be compared to the costs of replacing the outdoor cast iron product more frequently because it is damaged or cannot be used before its expiration date.
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