Manhole covers are an important part of the drainage system because they serve as an access hole cover, preventing people or objects from falling into the channel. Manhole covers, in general, have a unique round form. There are numerous advantages to using round manhole covers over square manhole covers. They are easier to move because they can be rolled. Because the diameter is equal in all directions, the round manhole cover will not fall into the hole.
Why not make all manhole covers round if it’s that good? We often see square manhole covers in various locations. Why is that?
There are some situations where a square manhole cover is preferable to a round manhole cover. Here is the complete discussion.
1. Match with floor tiles
Square manhole covers are the best option for drainage systems in tiled areas such as buildings and sidewalks. Match the size of the manhole cover with tiles.
You can use recessed manhole covers if you want the manhole cover to be unnoticed. There is space on the surface of this manhole cover for tile installation. As a result, the manhole cover is hidden and appears aesthetically pleasing.
2. A better fit for a room corner
If the drainage channel is in the corner of the room or against a wall, a square manhole cover is more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. This manhole cover can be positioned in a room corner or against a wall.

3. Square manhole covers are easier to open on one side
A round manhole cover is not as good as a square manhole cover if you need to open it frequently for inspection or inspection. When the square manhole cover is opened towards the face, the ground side can operate as a support. As a result, it is easy for you to lift up and inspect the situation inside the channel.
In contrast to lifting a round manhole cover, the other side just touches a single spot and is prone to slipping. As a result, opening a round manhole cover (without hinges) on one side requires greater skill and strength.
4. Save shipping space
This point is still tied to the space’s corners and walls. The square manhole cover in shipping can make maximum use of the space in the transport vehicle. While the round manhole cover cannot adequately fill the area in the four corners of the vehicle.

5. It is possible to create a combined type
Another advantage of square manhole covers is that they are advised if you require a very large manhole cover. Square manhole covers can be built in a combined type or in several pieces to make them easier to open.
6. It is also not easy to fall into the channel hole
Most manhole covers are round because the channel holes they cover are round as well. Furthermore, it is said that if the round manhole cover is opened and rotated to various sides, it will not fall into the channel hole.
Actually, if we use the correct size manhole cover, this will not happen to the square manhole cover. To completely cover the channel hole, the shortest diameter of the square manhole cover must be bigger than the diameter of the channel hole. This manhole cover will not fall into the hole even if it is lifted and rotated at an angle.
It turns out that square manhole covers have a lot of advantages as well.
Round and square manhole covers both have advantages. There are several situations when square manhole covers are preferable to round manhole covers, such as areas with tile floors and room corners.
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