Yogyakarta International Airport Project uses drainage cast iron for airport consists of manhole covers and deck drains.
About Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA)
Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulon Progo is one of the strategic projects during the first administration of President Joko Widodo. The construction of Yogyakarta International Airport aims to accommodate the soaring number of passengers at Adi Sucipto Airport so that it has excess capacity. Adi Sucipto Airport itself cannot be developed anymore due to limited land and natural obstacles around it.
Adi Sucipto Airport also belongs to the Indonesian Air Force which is the main base and pilot education center. So commercial aviation activities must be shared with military aviation. This causes the aircraft that will take off or landing often stuck.
In addition, the construction of this airport aims to support tourism activities in Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is a favorite tourist destination in Indonesia so that more tourists will visit. To facilitate access to tourism, an airport with a larger capacity is needed.
For these reasons, the government built a new airport in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta International Airport. The government claims the construction of the airport aims to improve connectivity and achieve equitable development.
Yogyakarta International Airport Project was carried out in two phases:
- Phase I, starting April 2018 until 2031. At this phase, they built a runway with a length of 3.250 m and a width of 60 m, a terminal with an area of 142.150 m², and an apron with 23 parking stands. The construction of this first phase is to pursue a target capacity of 15 million passengers per year.
- Phase II, 2031-2041. The construction of the second phase of YIA will extend the runway to 3.600 m, expand the apron to 23 parking stands, and enlarge the terminal to 195.000 m². So that the target passenger can reach 20 million per year.
Yogyakarta International Airport Design

This airport runway has a size that is longer and wider than Adi Sucipto Airport, so YIA can serve international flights that cannot be served at Adi Sucipto Airport. International flights usually use large aircraft so that they require large runways as well.
Then in terms of building architecture, the government wants a touch of the local culture at the airport. Even the YIA will be the first art and cultural storefront airport in Indonesia.
The purpose of presenting local wisdom in this airport is to attract tourists. The theme is also in accordance with the image of Yogyakarta as a city of culture. The management is ready to hold artists and cultural experts to realize the idea.
The extensive runway design and art and culture themed architecture are among the advantages of this new airport in Yogyakarta. Long and wide runways can increase international flight activities. While art and culture-themed architecture can be his trademark and tourist attraction.
Drainage cast iron for Yogyakarta International Airport
Each building must have a drainage channel including the airport. In the YIA airport construction project there is a drainage channel construction project that functions to drain rainwater quickly to the sewer. This drainage system aims to prevent waterlogging.
Airport area must be free from puddles because it could endanger the process of takeoff and landing aircraft. An airport that has a well-integrated drainage system can reduce the risk of aircraft slipping due to waterlogging.
Drainage cast iron for airport consisting of ductile iron manhole covers and cast iron deck drain.
Ductile Iron Manhole Covers

YIA drainage system uses square ductile iron manhole covers with a size of 700x700x100 mm. Ductile iron is top grade cast iron. This material is stronger and harder than other cast iron. Therefore ductile iron suitable for use in areas of heavy-duty vehicles often passing like airports.
Manhole covers functions as a cover in the drainage channel in the airport area. The hole is an access point in and out of the drainage channel. If we don’t cover it with manhole covers, it can cause any person or object to fall into the drainage channel. In addition, the use of manhole covers is to restrict access. So only officers can enter the channel.
Ductile iron manhole cover consists of frame and cover. You can open and close the cover for access to the drainage channel. To open or close the manhole covers must use a tool in the form of an iron hook so that the manhole covers are more easily lifted. Insert the iron hook into the keyhole in the manhole cover then lift it.
They usually use ductile iron manhole covers at the apron (aircraft parking area).
Cast Iron Deck Drains

While the cast iron deck drains that they use in the YIA are medium type deck drain. They use it at the flyover in the airport area. This flyover connects the entrance to the airport and terminal area.
Cast iron deck drain serves to drain water on the surface of the flyover into the sewer. Deck drain has a pipe-like design with holes at the top and there is a filter on the inside. The holes and filters serve to filter out the trash or dirt so that it does not enter the channels which can cause the channel to clog.
Deck drain installation is along the flyover on the edge of the road. Between on deck drain with another deck drain they usually give a distance of 1-2 meters or adjust to the conditions on the site project.
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