How to make a comfortable outdoor living space? Try these outdoor patio decor tips!
Each house must have an outdoor space that is used to enjoy the outdoor atmosphere. The outdoor space includes a terrace, porch, balcony, garden, and patio. A patio is an outdoor space outside the house, both in front or behind the house. Generally, patio used for recreation and dining. Open patio design allows you to enjoy the outdoor atmosphere freely.
1. Use Outdoor furniture

Furniture is the main stuff for use on the patio. You will use it to do activities like reading and dining. Furniture that is popular for use in patio and outdoor space is cast iron outdoor furniture. Cast iron furniture has high resistance to weather changes. This furniture will not easily damage despite exposure to hot weather and rain.
2. Lighting for outdoor patio decor

If you use the patio at night you certainly need lighting. For this lighting, you can use outdoor lamps. And one of them is a wall lamp. The use of lights in outdoor living can also create a warm feel. So you will feel more comfortable while relaxing there. Besides using lamps, you can also put candles on the table.
3. Shade

An outdoor patio should feel shady and comfortable, especially during the day. You can use trees to create shade in the outdoor living area. The trees can produce oxygen so that it becomes cooler. You can also install decorative lamps on the trees so they can beautify the outdoor patio at night. Besides using trees, you may use umbrella furniture to create shade.
4. Vegetation for outdoor patio decor

The next tips on outdoor patio decor is to plant colorful plants or flowers. Besides colorful, fragrant plants and flowers can make the feel of an outdoor patio more vibrant and cheerful. You can plant citrus, jasmine, and roses to get beauty as well as the natural fragrance.
5. Cushions

To be more comfortable, you can use cushions as well as decorations. These cushions can give warmth when the weather tends to cool. Because it serves as decoration, you should choose colorful cushions. In addition to cushions, you can also use a blanket if the weather is too cold.
6. Path

Make a path to walk to the patio. The path can give the perspective of the space looks longer. You can build a path from the small stones to get the feel of nature and make the outdoor area look more beautiful.
7. Fireplace

The fireplace’s function is to warm up when the weather is cold. Also, you can use a fireplace as outdoor patio decor. There are two types of fireplaces, they are portable and permanent fireplaces. A permanent fireplace is more expensive than a portable fireplace. This is due to the installation cost of a permanent fireplace is expensive.
8. Railing on balcony

You can use a spacious balcony as an outdoor living area. Because it is on high ground, you need to pay attention to safety. For the safety of its users, you have to pair the railing on the balcony.
9. Unique Paving for outdoor patio decor

An outdoor patio is built on paving ground or covered with concrete, stones, tiles, and bricks. So that your furniture and footwear are not easily dirty because of the soil. Especially in the rainy season, the land affected by rain will become mud that will mess up the furniture and outdoor living area.
10. Fountain and pond

Creating a fountain and pond is one way to decorate your outdoor living area. A pond with a fountain can give a fresh and shady atmosphere. In addition to the decoration, you can put the colorful little fishes in the pond.
11. Wall or fence

If you want a safe and private outdoor area, you can build a wall or fence as a barrier with your neighbors. Then on the wall plant vines to add color and decoration. Besides vines also make the atmosphere fresher than if you just use a painted wall. If you prefer to use a fence, then choose a decorative fence design. Generally, cast iron fences have a variety of attractive designs.
12. Use draperies as outdoor patio decor

You can use draperies as outdoor patio decor too. During the rainy season, the wind usually blows harder and cooler. To reduce the exposure to cold winds you can pair draperies so it can dispel strong winds. Types of draperies include fabric draperies and bamboo draperies.
13. Playground

If you have children, making the playground is the right way. Pairs of swings, sandbox, or trampoline for them to play. By creating your own home playground, you do not have to go out to take the kids to play on the public playground. So the patio can serve as a place to relax for parents and a playground for children.
Already inspired?
Outdoor patio decor aims to make the patio and outdoor space more beautiful and comfortable. So that you and your family enjoyed being there. You can choose some of these tips that are suitable for you to do on your patio or outdoor living area. Happy trying!
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